ELIXIR is a seamless hospital management system that covers all day -to-day activities in a medium to large-sized healthcare provider. It is enterprise level software designed with adequate security and confidentiality for the electronic medical records of the patients. It has highly extendible and scalable architecture and it is built on the latest Microsoft platform to give optimum performance at peak loads.
It simplifies and optimizes all processes of a mid-to-large size hospital and offers a single solution for integrating various activities, covering the entire gamut of hospital procedures, ranging from registration to discharge, including back office activities such as inventory, finances, payroll, CSSD, etc.
ELIXIR offers unique interfaces for doctors, which allow adaptability with a number of disciplines, providing for detailing of symptoms, treatments and investigation across therapeutic areas. Thus enabling the doctors take the noting of the patients faster and effortlessly. It also helps archiving of the medical records including the radiological images, previous medical records etc. Apart from this, doctors can also compare patient progress.
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